You May Get Banned From WhatsApp For Using GBWhatsApp – New Rumors About GBWhatsApp

You May Get Banned From WhatsApp For Using GBWhatsApp - New Rumors About GBWhatsApp

You may hear a piece of news spreading on the internet that your WhatsApp account may get banned for using GBWhatsApp. If you are a GBWhatsApp user, then definitely it developed a sense of insecurity in you.

Don’t worry, here we are going to discuss this matter on ground realities. Moreover, we will also discuss the rumors and statements of brand websites regarding this issue. GBWhatsApp is a clone of WhatsApp but it has some extra features to entertain its users.

The long list of mind-blowing features of GB WhatsApp is the only reason behind the popularity of GBWA. To know about the features of GB WhatsApp in detail, you can follow the link. Let’s deeply dig into our topic, “GBWhatsApp Account Ban Issue”.

What is the GBWhatsApp Account Ban Issue

A few months ago, GBWhatsApp users had to face a temporary account ban issue. The duration of this account ban was almost three to two hours. After that, your WhatsApp starts working normally. Being a GBWhatsApp user, I also had to face this issue.

According to my research, this was happening because of a bug. In the next update, GBWhatsApp’s developer team fixed this issue. I haven’t experienced this issue since that update.

GBWhatsApp Temporarily Banned

The point is that the account ban issue was occurring because of a technical error which was solved later. It was not a direct restriction from the WhatsApp officials that we were going to ban or suspend your WhatsApp account. People spread rumors regarding it and grabbed the public attention.

Rumors about the GBWhatsApp account ban issue

News broke out a few months ago that WhatsApp is going to ban the accounts of GBWhatsApp users. Many blogs grabbed visitors by making this news a headline. They just cashed the public problem.

Some big blogs started to make checkpoints to avoid account ban issues in GBWhatsApp. These checkpoints were based on suggestions. Here is a summary of the to-do list to avoid the account ban issue in GBWhatsApp issued by those blogs.

  • Do not spread spam messages to other people
  • Avoid joining WhatsApp groups where people share adult content
  • Try your best not to share any adult content in personal chats
  • Before forwarding a message, make sure that it is spam-free
  • Spreading malware in the form of APK may also cause an account ban issue
  • If your account is reported by many people, WhatsApp may ban your account
  • In the end, they added, stop using third-party apps like GBWhatsApp, OGWhatsApp, WhatsApp Plus, FMWhatsApp, etc.

If you closely analyze these points, you will see that every social media platform asks users to avoid such things on their platform. Such actions may harm the users directly or indirectly. That’s why all these activities are restricted by every social media platform. Just specifying them with GB WhatsApp is not the right thing.

What to do in the case of GBWhatsApp account ban issue

The bug that was causing the account ban issue in GBWhtasApp has been fixed. If you still facing this problem, it means you violate the strict policy of WhatsApp. It did not happen because of GBWhatsApp. Many account reports may also be a reason.

To solve this problem, first of all, check the type of restriction. If it is temporarily banned, wait for the given time and it will automatically recover. If you don’t have enough time to wait for 2 or three hours, simply reset your WhatsApp account and the problem will be solved. But you will lose your WhatsApp data.

If the account ban is permanent, then either try to rest your account or make WhatsApp on another number. In this case, you will lose your 100% data.

Such issues occur rarely, there is no need to worry about it. Take it easy and have fun. If you are doing everything right, you won’t see such issues. You just need to avoid the violation of standard community guidelines. You will never face such issues if you follow the general rules of the platform.


A temporary account ban issue was occurring in GBWhatsApp because of a bug. Yes, this irritated many GBWhtasApp users. Many people cash the situation and start providing guidelines to avoid such problems. The was a technical errors which was solved later.

Now everything is fine and you can use GB WhatsApp without any issues. Here we are providing you with the latest version of GB WhatsApp. It is malware malware-free updated version. Download it and have fun.

Ignore the rumors, and focus on the facts. Keep things simple and the beauty of life. To get more updates and guides regarding GBWhatsApp keep visiting our blog.

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